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Plan Recommendation Engine Overview & Guide

Plan Matching Made Easy

No more searching doctors on carrier websites. No more drug price look ups and manual calculations. Pick the best plan in 3 easy steps with plan recommendations happenning in seconds.

Insurance agent working on a plan
Insurance agent working on a plan
See a walkthrough of the plan recommendation engine

Getting started with the Plan Recommendation Engine

The Plan Recommendation Engine is one of the most powerful features of Agentahub. Using client information collected by a simple and intuitive form, Agentahub uses a powerful algorithm to match and rank clients with the right Medicare plan. With millions of data point aggregated into one feed, Agentahub finds the plans that covers a client's doctors and has the lowest drug costs.

Add doctor form

Step 1

Collect Client Information

Open a client's detail record to start the collection process. To add a new client, click the "New" button on the top-right corner of any screen.

An agent can send a client the evaluation form for them to submit. The agent can also click the "Complete By Agent" button to add in the client information themselves. We recommend you start by adding in a current client’s information to quickly try out the “Analysis” tab of the Plan Recommendation Engine.

Step 2

Review Medicare Plans

Once the client evaluation form has been completed, you can click on the “Analysis” tab to view the recommended plans. The Analysis tab has several different features and views to help you find the right plan for your client.

Navigating the Plan Recommendation Engine Analysis

The Analysis tab includes several different ways to view recommended plans. Including:

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    The Plan Recommendation Engine includes matches against Advantage Plans and RX Plans. The top-right toggle switches between these plan types.

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    The results can be viewed in the three ways.

    Condensed - the default view that shows the top-6 matched plans with aggregate totals of doctors in network and plan costs.

    Expanded - allows you to see the top-6 matched plans with full details on which doctors are specifically in network and the detailed plan cost breakdown.

    Select Plans - a table view that shows all searched plans. You can navigate this list and select the six plans you wish to include in your proposal.

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    The Year dropdown in the top left corner allows you to view the analysis across years. By default, the current year is displayed.

Add doctor form

Understanding the Recommendation Analysis

The Analysis of the Advantage and Drug plans are presented in an easy to explore format. Here are the four main components of the analysis.

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    Plans are scored against a custom algorithm that factors in doctors in network and drug costs. The patient's primary doctor is weighted more heavily than specialist doctors.

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    The star ratings are plan ratings that come from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

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    The “Doctors in Network” and “Plan Cost” sections show the details on which physicians are in-network and the estimated costs for the different parts of the plan.

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    The Benefits link opens up an overlay panel that has full plan information to supply even more information. Click on any heading to see the full benefit details.

Analysis result example

Make Your Plan Recommendations

The recommended plans can be managed by you so that you can provide the best possible proposal to your client. You're the expert! The “Select Plans” view is the quickest way to view all the plans analyzed.

Navigate the table and select up-to-six plans that you'd like to recommend to your client. Once you're comfortable with your selections, you can re-order the recommended plans in the Condensed or Expanded tab.

Plan recommendation list

Step 3

Send Proposal To Client

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    You have two ways to review your plan proposal with your client. The “View Proposal” button loads the proposal presentation that you can walkthrough with your client. You can also send the proposal to your client’s email inbox via a secure link.

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    The proposal includes the top Advantage and Prescription Drug Plans you recommend.

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    Clicking the “View More…” button expands the proposal to view the other recommended plans for comparison. You can even add in a note for your client.

Plan Analysis for Client

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